protective mbrの例文


  1. The official approach does little more than ensuring data integrity by employing a " protective MBR ".
  2. While the MBR and protective MBR layouts were defined around 512 bytes per sector, the actual sector size can be larger on various media such as MO disks or hard disks with Advanced Format.
  3. The protective MBR is contained in LBA 0, the GPT header is in LBA 1, and the GPT header has a pointer to the partition table, or Partition Entry Array, typically LBA 2.


  1. "protective mask"の例文
  2. "protective masking"の例文
  3. "protective masks"の例文
  4. "protective master"の例文
  5. "protective material"の例文
  6. "protective measure"の例文
  7. "protective measures"の例文
  8. "protective mechanism"の例文
  9. "protective medium"の例文
  10. "protective membrane"の例文
  11. "protective master"の例文
  12. "protective material"の例文
  13. "protective measure"の例文
  14. "protective measures"の例文

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